Change of Scene

Strathcona Living

Sunday morning gym workout was a basic one: 3 rounds of an 800 m run, 50 single dumbbell box step-ups and 30 dumbbell snatches. Used a 20# db. Last time I did this workout, I subbed dumbbell hang squat cleans for the snatches as I could not get anything of consequence overhead. Progress! Walked home from gym along the beach. Tide in. Beautiful by grey morning. Got home, made quick green smoothie and went to meet my step-mother at her abode in Strathcona. A beautiful home she built with her son. I like walking around her neighborhood looking at the homes of old Vancouver. We wandered into the Hunter and Hare, a fabulous shop, where we tried on pile of coats and sweaters. Great jewelry, bags and scarfs too and good prices. Everything in excellent shape. Bought a soft black jacket, that looks a bit like a blanket. Good for work with a frock, should I get back to wearing frocks.

This evening put on a bathing suit and got husband to take before photos for the Wellness Challenge. Jumped on scale and captured weight. Up 6 lbs since the summer, post COVID/CANWEST. Shipped evidence off to Kristi. Whether I am in remains to be seen as registration system glitch on-going. Regardless, I gathered baseline data, which Iā€™d been avoiding.

Swim workout released today ! Timely with donning a bathing suit. Inspired me to hit the pool again. Tuesday night!



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