Sunday Training
Rocket at the beach
Day started at the gym with PT client. The wod at hand was to work up to a heavy set of 3 push press, cleaned from the floor, followed by a 17 minute amrap of 7 double dumbbell front squats, 7 dumbell floor press, 7 calorie bike and 14 feet anchored sit-ups. I am not a fan of racks, with the exception of back squats goals, I’d rather gather weight from the floor and get the extra functional strength development in but, let it be known, I’m a light weight. After client, I did a workout in the Open Gym and later coached the last Mother Daughter class with OG. We had a 10 week stint of co-coaching a fun class for Moms and Daughters Sundays at 11am. The gym can’t keep two coaches at it, so come January, we will either share it, alternating weeks or I’ll step away. Time will tell. Great experience though!
Last Mom and Daughter WOD of 2022!
Shopped, came home, tended to a sick son and then walked down to the beach to tackle a version of today’s gym workout Rocket, a 30 minute amrap of a 50 yard swim, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. Had visions of doing it a Lord Byng Pool and feeling proud of myself for such a feat but could not muster a bathing suit. Also, doing push-ups and squats at the edge of a crowded pool held NO appeal. Adopted wod to 90 seconds of log steps up for swim, 10 log push-ups and 15 squats. Obtained 10 rounds. While there I spotted, two women down for an ocean swim, jumping in and floating around. Not just running in and out. Hanging out in the water! One woman was rocking a thong no less in the fridged air. She truly had it going on. In my mind, I was like “Well, done. High five sister!”