New Year’s Day Recap
Left house just before 8am and walked down to the gym. Loved leaving the house feeling rested and clear headed. Gym lights on when I arrived. Coach already inside working out. We were joined shortly by another coach and then a few members trickled in. One member, who had fallen away for awhile, was in getting back at it, knocking out fine looking overhead squats. I sense it is going to be a good year for him. Sometimes, people just need a break. I grinded through my “traditional” New Year’s Day workout (Rene minus the weight vest). I missed one year when the gym moved locations, opting to do the gym’s opening day wod. It took forever. To recover I pushed the sled a mile. It was so nice out, I could not resist. Walked home by the beach, people were jumping in the ocean for polar bear swims, soccer games were underway and the pickle ball court full. Various people were out on morning runs, at a fast clip. Tons of walkers. Such is 10:30am on New Year’s Day on Vancouver’s Westside. Nice work everyone! Arrived home, starved and got caught up on my younger son’s New Year’s Eve antics while making a breakfast of eggs and avocado on a bed of brussle sprouts and squash. Washed it down with a restorative green smoothie. At 2pm, I met an amazing friend and her husband at the UBC Tower Stairs. We climb and talked for 5 repeats. So beautiful on those stairs. It is good for the soul. My older son is celebrating 2 years of breaking a bad habit today. He made a vow two New Year’s Days ago and stuck with it. Really proud of him! Now need to prep, before going to sleep, for an early morning workout tomorrow, the thought of which is daunting. Rather stay home on the couch but there is too much to do, like take down the Christmas decorations and grocery shop for the week. Workout must come first or risks getting lost in a pile of tasks and don’t want that! Happy New Year!