Saturday in the Gym
Arrived at the gym during the 8am class. Saturdays are coached by Big Cat. WOD was done in lockstep, teams of 3. Guys worked hard. Pushed each other and had to seek recovery outside in the air. I had PT clients till 11am, then tried to do my own workout in the Open Gym, but my heart was not in it. Had to modify heavily. There was a double under clinic run by Hard Rock at noon I wanted to attend or possibly would have left. Clinic ended with Hard Rock suggesting I do some soul searching and ask myself if double-unders are really a skill I want to spend my time on. She has given me the same advice about wall walks and handstands. Basically, suggesting in as nice a way as possible that I “give it up.” I have the freedom to do that! I could make such a decision. Simply refuse to engage in these movements. No wall walks. Not kick-ups to walls or handstand attempts. “Hi. My name is Amy. I don’t do double-unders or handstands.” “ Yes. You heard that right.” “I don’t practice and I don’t try.” “I’ve given up on it.” It’s tempting. Truly. But, I won’t be doing that.