Done and dusted. How’d we do? We were last place. Someone has to be. Better to be last than not at all. We had fun. We grew close. It was a learning and growing experience. Rockstar also got sick after it with Covid but we are both on the mend. Life changes are underfoot for the RockAteers. New jobs. New fitness goals. New priorities. I lost my appetite at CanWest and it is slow to comeback. It has been a good re-set and it has been easier than normal to fight off junk food cravings. Having been so sick I just want to whole, healing foods. I will always be grateful to Molly Gunn and Rockstar for joining me at CanWest. It COULD NOT have been done without them. Kind, caring, compassionate, extremely thoughtful women. Blessed to know them.
“A year from now you may wish you had started today”