Let’s talk about fitness
RockAteers. Our last training session at the gym before CanWest.
What is fitness? Who is Fit. Greg Glassman, CrossFit founder wrote an article “answering” this question in 2022. The man’s opinion has merit given the success of the program. Followers of CrossFit are, in general, fit. But what does that mean? I can carry my groceries up the stairs without being winded? My back does not hurt? I’m comfortable in my skin? There is a nifty diagram in the article which shows degrees of fit, marked by bloodwork and various abilities. Though I wonder about trying this definition on: You are fit if you feel fit. If you believe you are fit you are. Your mind, body and soul feel well, hence you are. If you don’t, “feel fit” what will it take for you to get to that place? Knowing, though, that the journey will not end. It is a continual practice, this being fit state. You will need to stay vigilant and come back from less fit bouts. You’ll need to keep your fit ways up. Hone it your fitness bearing skills. It is fun being fit. I’m working on getting back to feeling fit. That’s a lot what this blog is about.
Me at the CanWest Games. Not feeling fit.
Axle Bar Overhead Carry at CanWest Games last weekend. Somehow this picture made it to their IG account and friends forwarded it to me. This workout went down late in the day. I warned the judge it was going to be a hard workout for me, I don’t currently have the range in my right shoulder to lock the bar out properly overhead. Hence the sway back and bent arms. I know what a rep is suppose to look like and is not. I work at a gym where movement standards are taken very seriously! Why am I even in this position you may ask? I wanted to be part of a team and we carried each other through. CanWest was a weird weekend of feeling “unfit” and simultaneously overwhelmed with gratitude for what I could do and that I was even there. I found myself in full tears of gratefulness for just being me as I am right now at one point after not being able to complete an event. The shoulder. I’m working on it. I hope this picture become “a before” and I can put “an after” with solid form next to it one day.