In gym today. Demonstration vexes me. I can’t show the majority of CrossFit movements properly. Host of reasons. There are new coaches in the gym with great demo abilities, strength and skills. The full package. I’ve asked one of the them to take over 2 classes while I work on it. I’ve hit a standstill which I can’t accept.

I want to train this guy here.

Last day of being 52. It was in general, a strange day. I could not get out from under it. A mood, you know? Good moments were: training in the gym and an early birthday lunch with my mom at Shaughnessy Restaurant, where I ate delicious chicken salad that probably contained 3000 calories. Opted to eat as made but in retrospect ordering dressing on the side would have been a good call and no warm buns with butter. Nonetheless, it was all delicious. Nice restaurant nestled in VanDusen Gardens. Good service, easy parking!

Mom’s Birthday Lunch at Shaughnessy in December (‘22). She broke her wrist slipping on the ice. First broken bone. Cast now just off.

Rainy beach walk closed out last day of being 52. Viva!



