Open WOD 19.2 25 toes to bar, 50 double unders, 15 squat cleans 135/85. Didn’t make it beyond toes to bar.
Up extra early. Made it to morning coaching session. “You are jumping higher, timing looks better. You are going to get it. I’m excited for you.” Such were the words uttered to me today by the coach as I spun my rope. Part of today’s workout involved :30 seconds of double under attempts followed by simple movements - kettle bell push press, goblet squat and bent knee sit-ups. Skill practice in the right dose, mixed with basic stuff. It worked!
Posted today’s gym blog Consistency Counts: Proven Ways to Stick to a Diet Plan. It contains some tried and true strategies for staying the course when the going gets tough. Diet consistency is something I work at a lot!