Fitness Endeavors
Thursday in the city. Taught my first Strength and Balance Step 1 class for the BC Brain Wellness Program today. It was a good start and will take time to develop. Such nice people coming out to work on their health and fitness. I was asked by one participant if I was related to David Freeman I get asked this a lot with the last name Freeman. There are a number of David Freemans around town. My answer is “Yes, but it depends which one.” In this case, the participant did know my Dad! I like meeting people who knew him and were touch by him in some way.
Was in gym tonight. Took 6pm class I used to teach and set a personal record (PR) on a 5 rep deadlift. An actual PR. A shocking act that has not been seen in years, no word of a lie. My fitness has taken a slow beating these last three years. Due to various situations, I’ve been treading water at best. Reducing coaching hours is one way I am working to rectify this problem. I need to feel strong and fit again and something has to give. Hard Rock coached the class and was fabulous. She is a stellar athlete and now an excellent coach too. Some people have it, and she is one of them.