The Daily Blog: An Art
Me shortly after I started at what was then, CrossFit Empower. October 1st 2014!
In March 2013 a CrossFit gym opened a mile from me. Then, I belonged to CrossFit Westside located downtown. It was the closest gym to me at the time but now, look, there was one in walking distance. I checked their website. It had a blog which was a daily accounting of comings and goings related to the gym. I had a dream of being a trainer and found the details fascinating though felt out of my depth to enter the premises. The blog was inspiring. People looked like they were having so much fun. I remember feeling wistful reading about a woman who was profiled regularly getting her first pull-up. What strikes me though, and the point of this trip down memory lane, is the fact that the owner posted daily without fail. I am sure. often at the end of a long day, the last thing he may have felt like doing was scripting something. But he did without a break and grew a following as a result. Consistency. It shows reliability and builds trust and you can’t let up. And that, my friends, is hard work and no small feat. I know, because two weeks have slipped by since my last post. What happened?
Completed the 2023 Open. The last workout, 23.3, involved scaled wall-walks, skipping and 45 lb snatches in a 6 min time cap. Last year, I could not do a scaled wall walk and completed a foundations version of a bear crawl instead This year, I went in hoping for 1 scaled walk and got 5! Was grateful.
Rucked for Women’s Day. It was a beautiful sunny day on March 5 when as a small crew took to the Tower Stairs in support of Stronger Together Vancouver’s Workout for Women’s Day. It was great to see familiar faces on the trail for another year!
Dealt with family illnesses that required two trips to Urgent Care. Shook things up and disrupted routines but we received good care and things are getting back on track.
Coached two new classes which were fun!
Completed one Level 3 study session on Anatomy with the help of a knowledgeable coach. She helped me break it down into an understandable format. Not trying to go it alone this time around.
Agreed to give two talks on building caregiver resilience through diet and exercise at the CBH in May and June. Need to write talks!
It is now Spring Break in these parts. People away. Westside quieter. Gym classes won’t be as full. I’m here, chipping away.