Fan in the Stands
Volt. Power Cleans at 135 lbs with ease. A year ago he was a new lifter working on his technique at 55 lbs. Hard work pays off!
CrossFit Open workout 23.1 went down in the gym this weekend. Highlights for me, the fan in the stands, were:
1. WF hitting the muscle ups and knocking one out with seconds to spare. History made in the gym! 2. Sandman’s valiant fight to complete 30 cleans and get to the muscle-ups. He had 9 seconds to spare, not quite enough. 3. Volt hitting his first Open WOD, doing it RX’d and hitting multiple cleans with beautiful high elbows. 4. Teenage Alter Ego’s 70’s aerobic workout gear.
Alter Egos in motion.
Empower members hit 23.1 with strategy, vigor and heaping doses of good cheer. It was great to witness it all. Check out antics here!