25.2 – Effort Over Everything 💪
25.2 at Empower
The past few weeks have been hectic, and this blog took a backseat, though I’ve been posting at the gym.
Freaky Fact: Worldwide CrossFit Open participation is down 32%, returning us to 2014 levels. That’s just a year after I first stepped into this world. Despite that drop, I’m proud of the athletes showing up at the gym. The energy, the camaraderie. It’s still there, and it’s strong.
But one thing about The Open bugs me every year:
👉 It can make people feel like they’re not good enough.
Because so-and-so can do such-and-such, what you accomplished suddenly doesn’t feel like enough.
Your worth is not measured by your performance in a gym workout. It. Is. Not.
If I owned a gym, a massive poster on the wall would say precisely that.
So if you’re feeling down about a score, a rep, a movement you haven’t mastered yet, remember this:
Your effort matters more than your placement.
Your ranking doesn’t measure your value.
You are more than a workout.
Keep showing up. Keep pushing. Believe in yourself and your abilities and don’t let anything rob you of your greatness!